5 Charming Ground Covers with Small Yellow Flowers

When it comes to creating a vibrant and cheerful garden, few things are as delightful as ground covers with small yellow flowers. These plants not only add a splash of color but also serve practical purposes like weed suppression and erosion control. Whether you have a sprawling garden or a cozy urban space, incorporating these sunny ground covers with small yellow flowers will undoubtedly brighten up your landscape. In this article, we’ll explore five options that will bring the warmth of the sun right to your doorstep.

Golden Alyssum (Aurinia saxatilis)

Golden Alyssum, also known as Basket-of-Gold, is a perennial ground cover that emanates a sweet honey-like fragrance. Its bright yellow flowers cluster atop silvery-green foliage, creating an enchanting sight that attracts butterflies and other pollinators.

Ground Covers with Small Yellow Flowers
  • Height: Grows up to 8 inches tall
  • Spread: Forms mounds that can reach 1 to 2 feet wide
  • Light requirements: Thrives in full sun but can tolerate light shade
  • Soil preference: Well-draining soil, including poor or rocky soils
  • Other benefits: Drought-tolerant once established, making it suitable for xeriscaping.

Sundrops (Calylophus hartwegii)

Sundrops, also known as Evening Primrose, are low-growing perennials that offer a brilliant display of vibrant yellow flowers that open in the afternoon and last until the next morning. Their stunning blossoms, coupled with their water-wise nature, make them an ideal choice for water-conscious gardeners.

Ground Covers with Small Yellow Flowers
  • Height: Grows up to 6-12 inches tall
  • Spread: Forms dense clumps, reaching 1-2 feet wide
  • Light requirements: Thrives in full sun, tolerates light shade
  • Soil preference: Well-draining soil, including sandy or rocky soils
  • Other benefits: Attracts pollinators, deer-resistant, and suitable for rock gardens and containers.

Goldmoss Stonecrop (Sedum acre ‘Aureum’)

Goldmoss Stonecrop, a variety of Sedum acre, is a delightful, low-maintenance ground cover with small, succulent leaves that take on a golden hue under full sun. During spring, it showcases a profusion of tiny yellow flowers that adorn the mat-like foliage.

Ground Covers with Small Yellow Flowers
  • Height: Grows up to 3-6 inches tall
  • Spread: Forms a dense carpet that can spread up to 1 foot wide
  • Light requirements: Thrives in full sun, tolerating light shade
  • Soil preference: Well-draining soil, even rocky or poor soils
  • Other benefits: Drought-tolerant and deer-resistant, making it an excellent choice for challenging environments.

Santa Barbara Daisy (Erigeron karvinskianus)

Santa Barbara Daisy, also known as Mexican Daisy, is a versatile and drought-tolerant ground cover that delights with its profusion of small, daisy-like yellow and white flowers. Native to Mexico, this charming plant cascades beautifully over walls and rocks, softening hardscape features with its delicate blooms.

Ground Covers with Small Yellow Flowers
  • Height: Grows up to 6-12 inches tall
  • Spread: Spreads 2-3 feet wide, forming a lovely ground-hugging mat
  • Light requirements: Flourishes in full sun but can tolerate partial shade
  • Soil preference: Well-draining soil, even in poor or rocky conditions
  • Other benefits: Reseeds readily, attracting beneficial pollinators like bees and butterflies.

Yellow Ice Plant (Delosperma nubigenum)

The Yellow Ice Plant, also known as Yellow-flowered Ice Plant, is a variety of low-maintenance succulent ground cover that thrives in arid climates. Its striking yellow flowers bloom in abundance, creating a stunning contrast against its fleshy, green foliage, which is also drought-resistant.

Ground Covers with Small Yellow Flowers
  • Height: Grows up to 1-3 inches tall
  • Spread: Spreads 12-18 inches wide, forming a dense mat
  • Light requirements: Requires full sun for optimal flowering
  • Soil preference: Well-draining, sandy soil
  • Other benefits: Heat-tolerant and ideal for erosion control on slopes.

Adding ground cover with small yellow flowers to your garden is an easy way to infuse it with radiant beauty and charm. Whether you prefer the vibrant blooms of Sundrops, the honeyed scent of Golden Alyssum, or the low-maintenance nature of Goldmoss Stonecrop these plants will undoubtedly transform your garden into a sunny oasis. So, embrace the sunshine with these delightful ground covers and let their small yellow flowers bring joy and warmth to your outdoor space. Happy gardening!

Fancy blue flowers instead? Check out: Ground Cover with Blue Flowers: 5 Vibrant Plants to Consider

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